Requirements for Registering or starting of a new school according to MOE
The key requirements are enough classrooms with enough desks/ chairs and must be competence based curriculum compliant. Failure to meet the 3 conditions means you do not qualify to register your new school.
You must provide curriculum to be offered so as to be vetted and approved by KICD there after the ministry will register.
Key factor to be considered when determining whether the new school to be registered is CBC-compliant is the available space. There should be enough space for different pathways to be chosen by learners.
Every registration category for private schools will pay ten thousand shillings while for public schools registration will cost two thousand shillings payable for five years as well as re-registration.
Requirement for Registering of New day primary or secondary schools is that it shall be registered only if they are beyond 600 metres from the existing ones. Nursery schools associated to these new schools will be registered only if they are 2 kilometres away.
Another condition is that the school must not be near any liquor selling point. The school must be 350 metres away from any outlet selling liquor. School location and land size must be suitable.
The physical infrastructure must be approved and the approvals produced at the time of registration. The buildings must be sesure and must adhere to the directives given by the department of public works. Must ensure safety of the learner’s.
To register a new public primary school in an area that is densely populated, the existing public primary school that will be near to it must have two streamsat least, with a population of four eighty learners minimum.
To register new public secondary schools in an area that is highly populated the existing public secondary school close to it must have a population of five eighty minimum with three streams.
However, for areas that are not densely populated ( arid/ semi arid areas) a nearby school must have minimum of sixty learners.
For special needs education school’s registration, learners must be ten maximum in a class for those with miner impairments like hearing physical and visual. Where there are severe disability cases five learners per class.