KNEC ckears the air on the mode of Grade 6 KPSEA examination
The Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC) has cleared up the speculation on the mode Grade 6 KPSEA.
KNEC Chief Executive Officer has said that the mode of answering for the Grade 6 KPSEA examination which is scheduled to be done in November for the first time in the Kenyan education curriculum will have multiple choice format.
Teachers, Parents and learners have been left in the dark on the format of the KPSEA examination.
David Njengere, KNEC CEO clarified that the exam would be using the multiple-choice format. He also stated that the KPSEA exams would strictly adhere to the Basic Education Curriculum Framework regulation that was unveiled by the Ministry of Education in 2019 during its inauguration.
The Basic Education Curriculum Framework was developed by the KICD. The framework states that Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5 and partially Grade 6 assessments will be formative while the Grade 6 assessments will be summative.
“The assessments have already been set and are ready for administration. Nothing has been changed in the format as this is the first final assessment under the CBC,” Clarified the KNEC boss.
“The mode of assessment will entail a combination of teacher-administered formative assessment in Grades 4, 5 and 6 and a summative assessment to be administered by KNEC at the end of Grade 6.”
The summative assessment is the KPSEA exam that Grade 6 pupils are set to sit for towards the end of the year. The learners will be tested on five subjects. Mathematics and English will be on the first day; there will also be composition. Integrated Science and Kiswahili will be on the second day; along with an Insha test.
On the final examination day, the learners will sit for Creative Arts and Social Studies. A total of 1.25 Million pupils are registered to sit for the final KPSEA exam after which they are expected to transition to Junior Secondary School.
The marking of the KPSEA exams will be done electronically because the exams are multiple-choice except for Composition and Insha, in which teachers will be assigned to mark the writing scripts.