*New Subjects To Be Taught At Pre-vocational Level As Released By KICD*
KICD has developed 10 new learning subjects and adapted them for learners with special needs at Pre-Vocational Level under the Stage-Based Curriculum of CBC.
The learners, who will move to Pre-Vocational Level next year from the Intermediate Level currently, will be taken through the following new learning subjects; Pre-vocational skills, mathematics, Communication skills, daily living skills, Social and Literacy Skills, Music and Movement, social studies, Physical and Health Education, Environmental Activities, Hygiene, Nutrition and Safety and Religious Education.
The learners who will go through the Pre-Vocational Level include the deaf, autism, cerebral palsy, the blind and multiple disabilities.
Stage-based curriculum is organized into levels starting with Foundational level, then Intermediate level; the Pre-Vocational level and lastly Vocational Skills level.