Kawira Mwangaza Meru Governor has removed all MCAs from a WhatsApp group claiming that as the admin to the group she has the powers to do so. According to her there is no unit among them and she did not see the reason for the group to be in existence and disfunctional.
In a press statement on Monday, kawira said she saw no need for the group since members were not on good terms.
The governor added that her actions are not of corrupt nature to warrant the involvement of the EACC.
Governor Mwangaza said the creation of the group was a local arrangement and the end of its existence should remain local, EACC should not be involved.
The governor who was elected to the position on an Independent ticket is at loggerheads with members of county assembly over the ward fund which she has refused to approve.
She remained unmoved over claims that the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission was on her neck over her leadership in the county.
Mwangaza said she will not respond to such allegations until the Commission makes a formal communication to her office.
The issue with the EACC emerges from her alleged directive for county employees to further the interests of a TV station owned by her spouse.
The county reps have also faulted her for appointing her husband Baichu Murega to a public office as County Youth Patron and hustlers’ ambassador.
The governor said all these allegations are part of a scheme by the MCAs to manipulate her into approving the ward funds.