Kuppet top officials in six branches have been removed from the payroll after they wrote a letter two months ago saying that they will not support TPD training in their respective branches.
The officials are Shadrack Mutungi of the Taita Taveta branch, William Lengoyiap of Samburu branch, Samuel Jasolo Migori branch, Zachary Nyamboi Baringo branch, Robert Miano Laikipia branch and Sabala Inyeni of Vihiga branch.
The six branch officials wrote a letter to the Kuppet National Office in the month of September and for the last two months, they have not received their monthly salaries.
The six officials have termed the move by the National Office as intimidation and are demanding that they be reinstated in the payroll.
The Kuppet national Office is in support of teachers professional development training which is set to kick-off as from next week after the closing of schools.
However, some sections of the officials are against teachers taking TPD modules after every five years but they cannot express their concerns for fear of being labelled rebels and disciplinary action being taken against them.
Mr Jasolo, Kuppet official Migori branch, said that he together with the other officials wrote to the national office about the branch position on TPD after the members raised their concerns. He added that they are still standing by their positions as they are representing the teachers from the respective branches.
Mr Misori, the Kuppet secretary-general dismissed all the claims and he wrote in his message that all the officials of Kuppet are receiving their monthly salaries.
Mr Inyeni also revealed that allocations to the six branches have been reduced since October and what they are being given is not enough to run all the branch operations including salaries for other officers in their branches.
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