Three people are recovering in hospital after being seriously assaulted in two separate love triangle incidents in Nairobi.
The first incident took place in the elevator in the NHIF building, when a girl working in the office of the Music Copyright Board was stabbed five times by ex-boyfriend.
Allan Musili and his 24-year-old girlfriend were taken bleeding from the building’s elevator and taken to a hospital where they were treated for injuries, police and witnesses said. The girl was stabbed in the back, and Musili was wounded in the stomach and neck.
According to the witness, she came to the building on Tuesday afternoon to return a laptop to her ex-boyfriend.
Disturbed by the movement, Musili followed the elevator, pulled out a knife and stabbed her five times in the back before plunging the knife into his stomach and neck.
He fell unconscious amid the screams to save them by witnesses.
Both were hospitalized and listed in critical condition.
A 32-year-old man was injured in a fight over a woman in another love triangle incident in the town of Kaloleni, police said.
The police said the woman was at home with her boyfriend when her ex-boyfriend attacked him. The intruder fought the victim before pushing him from the first floor of his house and causing him to fall to the ground in a steel-clad building and sustained injuries.
The attacker fled after alarming his ex-girlfriend, who watched the drama unfold in disbelief.
Police said the victim was taken to a hospital where he was treated. The attacker is still at large and efforts are underway to find him.
Nairobi police chief James Mugera said they are investigating the incident with a view to taking further action. Elsewhere, the police are investigating a stabbing incident in which a man was taken to the Kasarani area hospital where he died minutes later.
The two bodaboda riders who took the victim to the hospital fled shortly after dropping him there.
They told staff members of Uhai Neema Hospital that they had stabbed and picked up the victim from the street along Thika Road.
As the nurse approached the victim, the motorists moved away. The victim died a few minutes later.
Investigations into the incident that happened are on.