In the generations that have been before us, our generation and the generation to come masturbation has been a great challenge cutting across all ages more especially young people.
People who have indulged themselves in musturbation have been held captive wishing to come out of it but they have found it hard.
Are you a victim of circumstances? Never give up the fight. Your desire for freedom will be granted. Just press on, many have overcome and have hope that you can also overcome.
Below are some of the practical tips on how to overcome masturbation.
1. Delete All triggers in your gadgets
The truth is that there is always a trigger that activates your desire for masturbation.
The triggers in your phone may include nudes, pornographic videos and songs.
To overcome, you must delete them so that at no time do you have access to them.
2. Avoid pornographic sites
Pornography has become so rampant with the increase in technology to an extent you cannot run away fully.
The overcome the bondage of masturbation, you must strongly decide and condition your mind from visiting pornographic sites. This will be a great step to your awaited freedom.
3. Make a life u-turn and decide to change
You can not win the battle of masturbation just like any other addition if you can not have the inner urge to come out of it.
Making a personal decision that you want to be free will work and bear fruits. Your decision will condition your mind to desire liberty and with time you will overcome.
4. Celebrate and reward yourself for small victories.
Take for instance you have made a step forward and you have not indulged in masturbation for a day, give yourself thumbs up and celebrate your victory.
Always desire freedom every day.
5. Remain busy always
Avoid idleness to overcome this vice. Idleness is one of the gateways to all evils.
Therefore, keep your mind engaged in reading novels, listening to music that is not sexual, going for hikes, attending clubs and societies such as drama, football, athletics among others.
Without a doubt, this will far much help you from falling into temptation.
6. Raise your self-esteem
Most people engaging in the practice have been said to have low self-esteem. Recognising your self-worth and giving yourself honour will erase thoughts of self intimidation.
7. Pray for r yourself constantly
To overcome the world and the desires of the flesh, be a prayerful person. Ask God to help you without ceasing. He will help you to overcome the temptations of masturbation.
8. Open up to your closest friends and them to walk with you.
This is not an easy step. It requires courage because this issue is at a personal level. Opening up to friends you trust makes you accountable. Remember some battles can not be fought alone. You need close friends, mentors and advisors to walk with you and slowly you will come out a victor.
Overcoming masturbation is not a one-day activity. You must go through a series of progressive steps but the more vigilant you become the faster you will become free.
Note that you are not alone in this bondage. The great hope is that many have overcome and you will surely overcome.