TSC Refuses to Meet KUPPET For Negotiation
The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has been urged to meet KUPPET for negotiation and sign a return to work formula.
The Commission on the other hand has said no to any meeting with the Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) until they call off the ongoing industrial action.
The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) declined an earlier request by the Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) for a meeting in a bid to resolve the ongoing industrial strike and sign a return to work formula.
In a letter dated August 29, 2024 written by the commission addressed to the union Secretary General Akelo Misori and signed by Calvin Anyuor on behalf of CEO Dr Nancy Macharia, has maintained that the union should obey the court order and call off the strike before any talks can take place.
“As agreed during the meeting, the commission has duly implemented the final phase of the CBA 2021-2025 and paid all teachers the salary arrears backdated to July 1, 2024. The commission has also resolved all the grievances raised by the union vide it’s letter dated August 19, 2024,” said the letter, referring to meeting with all three unions.
TSC Refuses to Meet KUPPET For Negotiation
TSC noted that the commission is ready to meet and engage with the union at the earliest opportunity once they call off the strike and obey the court orders.
“To this end, in compliance with the terms of the court order dated August 27, 2024 and duly served upon yourself, it is the commission’s position that the union complies with the order of the court and withdraw the ongoing industrial action to enable parties continue with the bipartite negotiations on any unresolved grievances, ” added the commission.
TSC Refuses to Meet KUPPET For Negotiation
The union had earlier on today through a letter with reference number KUPPET/TSC/019/24 requested to meet the commission so that they sign a return to work formula.
The union officials have remained firm to continue with the strike until TSC meet the the minimum demands from the teachers.