TSC To Monitor Class Registers; Class Teachers and teachers on duty to take note. The class teachers to update registers and masters on duty to keep daily occurance records.
Teacher Service Commission, TSC is set to monitor class registers. Class teachers are therefore called upon to be vigilant and keep the register up to date.
In the recent past, Kenya has recorded an alarming number of school drop-outs even after the government spirited effort to ensure that all children access free primary and secondary education.
Some do not reach their homes and are unexpectedly found eloped after long days of search by their parents.
The commission has reported that students who go missing from the hands of teachers on a school day, whether when in or out of school, will cost the comfort of the administration, teachers on duty and the class teachers.
If such cases happen, teachers will be entitled to explain when the learners left school, and on what relevant reason led to the same departure.
The class teachers are therefore urged to work on the daily updating of the class registers to trace the absence of such learners.
While addressing the school KESSHA chairpersons at the TSC Headquarters, the TSC Chairperson, Dr Jamleck Muturi, categorically stated that most young parents are school drop-outs, and they have a bad history to tell when given a chance to express themselves.
Furthermore, he added that such children could be having a bright future if they could have been heard from the beginning either by the teachers or parents, but mostly the teachers.
According to Dr Muturi, the learners drop out of school because of obvious reasons that could be solved at the school level. He added that before students develop a strange way of solving their problems, the class teachers should at least be aware of the welfare of their learners, especially through class meetings.
He added that the commission will work with the teachers within their jurisdiction to make sure the leave of a learner from school is official.
He, therefore, urged the KESSHA chairpersons to convey the same message to the school administrators to make it a routine of knowing the real-life experiences their learners go through and make sure they have a true record of the learners.