Category Of Teachers Set To Miss Salary Increment
All teachers employed by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) under permanent and pensionable terms are subject to annual salary increment.
This means over 350,000 employed by the commission receive their annual salary increment.
However, not all teachers who are employed by TSCTSC on permanent and pensionable terms receive their annual increment.
The teacher’s employer made it clear that, contrary to what a teachers’ union had stated, the annual increment had never been revoked.
The two thousand and fifteen Code of Regulations for Teachers, which sets down annual compensation increments for all teachers, will continue to be in effect, according to Teacher Service Commission Chief Executive Officer Dr. Nancy Macharia.
The Code of Regulations for Teachers’ Section 84 states that “The commission shall grant a teacher annual increments at regular intervals until the maximum salary point of the job group of the teacher is attained.”
The code also states that TSCTSC must pay new teachers salaries that are in line with their particular grade upon their initial appointment.
Therefore, the teachers who have reached the maximum salary point of their current job grades will not receive any salary increment.
These category of teachers can only start receiving their annual increments once the teachers service commission gifts them with a promotion to the next job grade.
Category Of Teachers Set To Miss Salary Increment