TSC will use the following criteria when acting on transfer requests for teachers:
1. The age of the teacher:
One of the factors that TSC will consider is the age of the teacher requesting for a transfer.
In the previous years, teachers aged at least 56 years were exempted from the transfer out of the area of their current work stations.
As delocalization policy is coming to an end, teachers aged 50 years and above will be given too priority when the transfer requests are being considered.
Majority of the teachers who were delocalised and fall in this age bracket are the school headteachers. They were transferred in to other counties from the year 2018.
Their number adds up to nearly 6,078 primary school headteachers and secondary school principals.
2. Health status:
Teachers with terminal illness will be in the top list of teachers to be re-routed to their home counties.
TSC will have to look at relevant supporting medical documents, the availability and accessibility to the appropriate medical facilities in proposed new station.
3. Teachers with Disabilities;
Teachers with proven disabilities and we’re affected by the delocalization policy will also be given top priority when TSC is going to initiate re-routing of teachers.
4. Family considerations:
Teachers with families will be considered. TSC will consider family issues such as marriages were a teacher wants to bond with children or wife, sickness of a family member (Child, wife or parents) and old age incase of parents.
5. Length of stay since first appointment:
Teachers who have overstayed in one station since first appointment will be considered first.
The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) announced timeframe for acting on the teacher transfer requests for teachers who want to move to their home counties