Is there a possibility of having peace amid daily challenges?
Daily challenges are knocking in our lives with lightning speed across the world. Today we are talking about the coronavirus pandemic, tomorrow may be another plague more serious.
People are living in absolute sorrow, worries, fear and anxiety. Where is our hope when we are sandwiched with challenges beyond our control? Who can deliver us from our daily challenges?
We are all either consumed in fear of what will happen to us or filled to the brim with everlasting hope depending on where our focus is and who we are focusing on.
If your focus is on natural disasters; if you are deeply sunk in bad news, if pestilences wreck your thoughts then you are going to be filled with fear and doom at last.
When we focus on Jesus Christ our redeemer, we get filled with confidence and we experience the assurance that our suffering is only for short while. In Jesus Christ, we are lifted above this life’s uncertainties and our hearts are freed from fear and worries to give room for security, everlasting hope and endless love. We become triumphant over fear when we put God first in our lives.
Listen to the words of Jesus Christ (John 14: 27);
Jesus gives peace to us not as the world gives. Therefore, let not our hearts be troubled and we should not be afraid of anything.
Our only hope and peace comes from our saviour Jesus Christ and not from the world. In the world exists no peace, no hope but chaos and suffering.
We only find peace if call upon the lord in the days of trouble, and God will for sure deliver us. The psalmist gives God’s wonderful promise to us (Psalm 50: 15). We should always call upon the name of our God in the day of trouble for God will deliver us from our challenges.
We are living in times of the end of the history of the world. The agencies of the evil one are combining forces in the last phase of great controversy. The great challenges (greater than the COVID-19 pandemic) are soon taking place in the world.
Where will your peace and hope come from?
Jesus remains to be the only answer. Jesus is on our side, we should then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that, we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in time of need (Hebrews 4:16).
Let us hold to unswervingly to the hope we profess, for the almighty God who has promised us peace amidst our daily challenges and troubles is faithful (Hebrews 10:23).”