Three Major Issues on CBC To Be Addressed by Review Task Force as Directed by President Ruto
The review team gazetted by President William Ruto will be required to address 3 major issues on CBC.
The 49 members team will submit recommendations in the basic education sector, on competency-based curriculum and the higher education sub-sector.
>On CBC, the team is expected to elaborate on the conduct of key areas in the curriculum.
*The key areas in relation to Implementation of aspects guiding the competency-based approach including value-based education, community service learning, parental empowerment and engagement as highlighted in the gazette notice.
>The team will also evaluate the assessment of learners, the quality assurance and the standards of CBC.
>President also directed the team to look into teacher training and deployment.
*The technology for curriculum delivery, improved learning outcomes and education management, public school categorization policies and implications on access, transition, and cost, read the notice.
The higher education subsector will also undergo reforms, according to recommendations given by the task force.
>President Ruto asked the review team to review legislation in the institutions of higher learning.
This includes Technical and vocational training and universities.
*Review and recommend legislation to facilitate the amalgamation of HELB, TVET, and University Funding Boards with a view of harmonizing and merging all tertiary education funding entities, the notice reads.
>He also directed that the task force recommends criteria to implement an open university in Kenya.
*To recommend a framework of operationalizing the National Open University of Kenya and a framework on Open, Distance and E-line learning (ODEL).