The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) issues circular on training of junior secondary school (JSS) teachers on merit-based assessment.
The Teachers Service Commission is set to train high school teachers on Competency-Based Assessment (CBA), which is set to make its debut at the secondary school level in the near future.
Below is the complete TSC circular on training of junior secondary school teachers on CBA
To: All Deputy County Directors
Training of Junior Secondary School Teachers in Re-merit Based Assessment
You are hereby required to identify 6 teachers per school for both regular and SNE for CBC training which will be face to face and will take place from 9th to 13th May 2022.
Targeted teachers are taken from:
1. Languages: Kiswahili, English, Foreign and Indigenous Languages and Kenya Sign Language.
2. Pure Science: Integrated Science – Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Health Education.
3. Applied Science: Agriculture, Home Science and Computer Studies
4. Mathematics
5. Humanities and Social Studies: (Citizenship, Geography, History), Religious Studies (CRE, IRE, HRE and PPI and Life Skills.
6. Technical subjects and creative arts: pre-vocational and pre-career, vocational studies, music, sports and physical education, home science.
The TSC circular also requires the deputy county directors to inform private schools to meet transport and food expenses (2 tea and lunch) for their teachers.
Before training day, deputy County Directors are required to meet the following requirements :
1. Identify, acquire and prepare training sites for regular teacher training (preferably TTC available)
2. Submit the list of teachers identified on or before 2nd May 2022 in the following format in excel.
3. Inform all private schools within their area of jurisdiction to meet transport and food expenses (2 tea and lunch) for their teachers.
Training of teachers who will handled learners in junior high schools in the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) is necessary for equipping teachers with the concepts of the new curriculum.
The pioneer class of the CBC will join junior high school in January 2023.